The Numark Mixtrack Quad
The Numark Mixtrack Quad is a 4 channel digital DJ controller with a built-in audio I/O device that was released in Spring 2013 and marketed as the only controller in its class and price range that offers 4 channel capabilities.

It is essentially a 4 channel version of the Numark Mixtrack Pro II, which is itself the second version of the infamous Mixtrack Pro, reportedly the world’s best selling digital DJ controller. With upgraded platters and touch-sensitive backlit drum pads, the Mixtrack Pro II is widely regarded as the current standard for entry level DJ controllers, so the Mixtrack Quad comes from an excellent pedigree. Numark has been producing innovative DJ equipment for 40 years, so they clearly know what they’re doing and have an enviable track record for producing both pro and consumer kit.
The Mixtrack Quad currently retails for around £210 and represents fantastic value for money. Although clearly aimed at the home DJ, it is perfect for learning how to DJ and more than up to the job for house parties and small venues. For more details about the controller itself, please see the excellent Digital DJ Tips review.
Free Virtual DJ Software
The Mixtrack Pro II is bundled with free Serato DJ Intro software, which is by all accounts an excellent tool and can be easily upgraded to the full Serato DJ package for a reasonable fee. Unfortunately, since Serato DJ Intro does not support 4 channels, Numark needed to supply alternative free software with the Mixtrack Quad, so they went with VirtualDJ LE. On the plus side, this software is very nicely integrated with the Mixtrack Quad hardware, and on the surface is a very reasonable software package. If I hadn’t hit an annoying problem within half an hour of first using it, I probably would have been happy enough to stick with it…
There is a known issue with sample playback volume in both the LE and full editions of VirtualDJ. It doesn’t matter how you set the “Cue Gain” (or “Master Gain” for that matter), samples are played back through the headphones at maximum volume. Once you get over the initial shock of being deafened, it just becomes plain irritating to have to take off your headphones every time you want to play a sample. As a software engineer, I find it really irritating to see that a bug was reported in the official VirtualDJ forums back in January 2012 but there has been no comment or response from the manufacturer and no fix. Considering the full version of VirtualDJ costs around $300, it seems really poor that it still has such a basic bug.
However, every cloud has a silver lining, as this led me to evaluate TRAKTOR PRO 2…
TRAKTOR PRO 2 To The Rescue
TRAKTOR PRO is probably the leading DJ software package, at least amongst professionals. Surprisingly, it is also an absolute bargain compared to VirtualDJ at only 79 Euros. You can download a free demo version and test it with your hardware. Since the Mixtrack Quad is a standard MIDI device, there’s no reason why TRAKTOR PRO (or any other software for that matter) shouldn’t work perfectly.
TRAKTOR PRO 2 offers quite a different user experience to VirtualDJ. The interface feels a lot more polished and well developed, and the built-in documentation and user manual are very detailed and easy to understand. The software is so easy to use that you won’t really need to do much reading to get going – it’s all pretty obvious, especially if you’ve used different DJ tools in the past.
If you do decide to evaluate or purchase TRAKTOR PRO 2, make sure you also download the free Remix Sets too – they’re awesome and give you even more creative options.
Mixtrack Quad TRAKTOR PRO 2 Configuration
The first thing you need to do is download a TRAKTOR mapping for the Mixtrack Quad. Numark have released an official TRAKTOR PRO mapping. I have thoroughly tested it and can confirm that Numark have done a really good job of integrating the Mixtrack Quad with TRAKTOR. They’ve even got all the fancy lighting effects (e.g. the spinning rings around the platters) working nicely.
Once you’ve downloaded the mapping Zip file, extract it to a convenient location. Select the “Controller Manager…” from TRAKTOR’s main “File” menu, and then click the “Import” button. Browse to the location where you just extracted the Zip file and select the TRAKTOR Settings Information (*.tsi) file. Leave the default checkboxes selected and click OK to proceed.
Then you need to configure TRAKTOR’s “Audio Setup” as follows:
Make sure you select “Speakers (MixTrack Quad)” in the “Audio Device” drop-down menu. I would also recommend that you enable the “Multi-Core Processor Support” if possible (and if your PC’s CPU has more than one core!).
Finally you need to configure the “Output Routing” as follows:
Make sure that the left and right master output channels are correctly mapped to your left and right speakers, and likewise that the left and right monitor channels are mapped to the left and right ears of your cue headphones respectively.
Once that’s done, you should be up and running. If you have any problems, just let me know. Enjoy!
I hooked this upto my imac to test it out. There is no built in soundcard showing up and i cant get it to work with the headphones. It shows slightly different options to you.
It shows MIXTRACK QUAD & not speakers (mixtrack qaud)
When i hit play, and then select mixtrack quad in audio the sound comes on for a split second then goes off again, i can here it through the speakers and the headphones. When selected, it comes on and goes off again; only for a split second.
Would be great if you could help. Thanks. J
Hi J,
Sorry to hear it’s not working for you. I’m afraid I’m not a Mac hardware/driver expert so I’m probably not the best person to help you with this. If it was Windows it would be a different story! 😉
I would recommend you ask for help at Digital DJ Tips, either in their forum or in a comment beneath their Mixtrack Quad review:
They’re a great bunch of people with a lot of collective knowledge. Good luck – sorry I can’t be of more help!
When iv done the exactly same layout you have there its only just coming out of my headphones?
Hmmm, that’s strange. I guess you already know this but the Mixtrack Quad sends its main audio output through the pair of RCA sockets on the back (next to the USB port) – have you connected these sockets to a suitable amplifier or a pair of active speakers? Some people expect the audio output to be sent back through the connected computer’s standard speakers, which can lead to some confusion. Just double-check all your connections first before assuming it’s a Traktor configuration/hardware issue.
Good luck,
im using beats, it hasnt got the red and the white sockets on them, i dont know what my options are everything im trying is not working?
Hi Tom,
I’ll try to help you get this sorted out but I’ll need a bit more info from you first. Are you trying to use a Beats Pill as your speakers, or something else? If you give me the exact details of which speakers you have, I’ll let you know exactly how to connect them to your Mixtrack Quad. If you’ve configured your Traktor settings correctly as per my instructions, your Mixtrack Quad is already sending the audio output to its built-in RCA sockets on the back, so once you’ve connected them correctly everything will work just fine. If your speakers don’t have matching red and white RCA sockets on them, they probably have a standard 3.5mm stereo mini jack socket instead. In that case, you just need a standard y-cable with a pair of red and white RCA plugs on one end and a 3.5mm stereo plug on the other. Anyway, let me know the details…
Logitech r20 speakers model number s-0153b iv connected them
To pc and il plugged my beats into my mixtrack quad in the headphone socket on the side?
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the info – I can now see why it’s not working for you at the moment! Your Logitech speakers must be connected directly to the pair of output sockets on the back of the Mixtrack Quad. At the moment they’re connected to your PC so you’re never going to hear anything from the Quad this way! I believe the Logitech R-20 speakers have a built-in cable with a green 3.5mm headphone plug to connect an audio input. You need to connect this cable to the pair of red and white RCA output sockets on the back of the Mixtrack Quad. This will require an adaptor cable like the following:
This will solve your problem. Once your speakers are properly connected, the cue output will come out of your Beats headphones and the master audio output will come out of your speakers.
Hope this helps,
plus im using logitech normal speakers i can show you my layout on trakor i just dont know which is which cheers
I have put the red and white cable in the back and plugged my speakers into it but still not working what shall i do?
Hi Tom,
I’m sorry to hear it’s still not working for you. I’m not really sure what to suggest at this stage – it’s really hard to figure out without being able to see it myself. It might be worth trying a different pair of speakers and a different cable, just in case there’s a basic problem with what you’re using. Otherwise it’s probably a Traktor configuration issue. Double-check that you’ve got the “Output Master” channels mapped correctly as per my article. You could try swapping those channels with the “Output Monitor” channels to see if that makes a difference. Otherwise I would try to take your computer and Mixtrack Quad into the shop you bought it from and get them to take a look. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Good luck,
Thx so much man i can’t configure my mix track quad but now yes 😀
Hi Gecko DJ! I’m really glad this post helped you out – thanks for letting me know. Ian
well explained Ian you’re very nice i got some information too!!!! 🙂
Thanks very much – I’m glad this was useful to you! Ian
When it comes to importing the map, a window pops up saying “The TSI-Configuration is not supported by this version of Traktor”. My version of Traktor is up to date ! I don’t understand ! Help me !
Thanks !!!
Hi Spike,
Sorry to hear you’re having that issue – I’ll try to help you fix it. Please can you tell me the exact version number of your Traktor Pro installation so I can compare it with mine? Here’s how to find out what it is:
I’m having trouble getting my mixtrack quad to link up with traktor pro 2 I already did the wizard set up and still nothing , it kinda links up a bit for example the channel 2 fader acts as the pitch for a track playing on deck A and the bass knob for channel 2 acts as the volume control for all the sound, any input would appcreciated
Hi Alex,
Sounds like a mapping problem to me, as some of the controls are having an affect but not in the desired way. Have you definitely installed the official Numark mapping for the Mixtrack Quad as per my instructions, and is that mapping correctly associated with the Mixtrack Quad controller in the Traktor settings? Double check and let me know.
hola tohmas una cosita! a mi mixtrad quad le e metido el mapeo que sale en la pagina para traktor va todo bien pero lo que busco es que el filtro que se utiliza para pasar canciones no viene funcionando y no se como ponerlo y otra cosa que buscoy es mu bueno es que en los pads se puede poner para que la musica pegue salto para adelantar la musica o retrasarla!! espero que me puede ayudar! muchas gracia de antemano 🙂
Ayyy help no sound coming from the out puts at all have mapped everything correctly and set up the outputs right n now it’s just dead no sound what’s so ever
Sorry to hear that – doesn’t sound good at all. Please can you be a bit more specific – is there no sound from either the master outputs at the back or the headphone cue output? Was this working properly before, and if so at what point did it stop working? This is likely to be either a software configuration issue, a problem with one of the levels/settings on the controller itself, an incorrect/faulty cable connection or a hardware fault. Give me some more info and I’ll try to help you sort this out.
Yo thanks for replying bruh .. I got my volume fixed but when I turn up my cue gain it’s coming through the main .. Iv tried everything from witching out put changing mapping nothing seems to stop it :/??
You absolute hero, sorted me fine mostly other than the fact that my effects have stopped working, the spinny things change the volume duration etc but i cant activate them from the controller, any advice?
actually the effects have stopped working full stop! even when i activate them by mouse on the laptop
Thanks Jeremy – glad I could help! If the effects have stopped working completely, I’m guessing this isn’t a controller issue, unless installing the Mixtrack Quad has somehow broken Traktor (which I think is unlikely)! Have you tried the usual stuff – restart Windows, reinstall Traktor, cross your fingers?! Ian
have tried the above, was thinking it may be an issue with the setup though as a couple of other things not working as they should such as scratching is active without the button switched on etc. any ideas?
Sorry I should be more specific haha, with the effects, i can see on the screen that the four dials are working to control the volume and size of the effect, the issue is that none of the four pads are activating or changing an effect. strangely, activating the effects by mouse works but only through the headphone output, so there are two issues, firstly that teh controller pads are not responding ( but they are ligting up when used) and the effects are only being output through the headphones.
Hmmm, that’s a strange situation that you’ve got there! One possible explanation for you only hearing the effects through the headphone output is your combination of settings for the “effect slots” and the “headphones mix” control. For example, if you have the effects channel that you are turning on/off associated with the cue deck but not the master deck, and your Headphones Mix is set to the cue deck (with the effects currently applied), that might explain why the effects are only coming through the headphone (cue) output and not the master. Just make sure that the FX unit you are turning on/off from the controller is currently applied to the master deck and see what happens. Check that the “FX1 On” and “FX2 On” buttons are both active for both decks to be sure.
Also, when you say the controller’s effect pads (e.g. “FX1”) are lighting up when you press them but not applying the effects, can you just check whether the associated on-screen “ON” buttons are also lighting up when each “FX” button is pressed?
Let me know the details and we’ll go from there. Sorry if I’m telling you stuff you already know, but it’s good to check everything!
Hi, I bought the mixtrack quad, used it with virtual DJ before moving to traktor, i have two 12inch built in amp speakers, that when i did a gig i would use virtual dj and put the two outputs into the front two of the mixer. But my audio set up is really messed up as i can’t see ‘Speakers (Mixtrack Quad)’ anywhere on it and only says ‘Realtek High Definition Audio’ which my built-in speaker through my laptop! so how do i get it to show up so the sound can go from my laptop to my mixer, through my built-in sound card (in mixer) and out of my speakers??? PLEASE HELP its driving me crazy…
I’ll do my best! So does the Quad still work properly with Virtual DJ (or have you already uninstalled it)? I’m just wondering whether there’s a problem with your laptop talking to the Quad via the USB connection? When you connect the Quad does it light up as normal?
Please open up the Windows “Device Manager” and check if there are any “MixTrack Quad” entries in the “Audio inputs and outputs” or “Sound, video and game controllers” sections? I have an entry in both. If it is missing from one or both of these sections, that would explain why it’s not listed in the available audio devices in Traktor.
Let me know what you find,
Hi, I usually use my old mixtrack pro for live gigs with virtual dj and it works fine, including headphones cueing etc. But I just connected my quad to the laptop and opened VDJ and went onto the settings, it’s not showing up there either for the master input, or headphones.
After that I went onto device manager, and it’s not showing up with ‘Audio inputs and outputs’ at all! But it does have ‘Sound, Video and Game Controllers’ and ‘Mixtrack Quad’ is on there.
And the lights do come up as normal when I plug the mixer into my laptop.
I just looked at the above comments and u said something about it’s only discoverable when connected to speakers, I connected it and it worked great thanks! But just say I wanna do a mix but don’t wanna go through the hassle of connecting and plugging in my speakers, I just want the sound coming out of my laptop, how do I do that, because when I take my speakers out, and DJ it doesn’t show my headphones and they don’t work! HELP
I’m glad you’ve managed to get your Mixtrack Quad working through your speakers. The Quad has a built-in soundcard which sends its output to the two RCA sockets on the back (and then to your connected speakers). This is the only way to output the master channel – the Quad does not have the standard ability to send its master output back to your PC/laptop through the USB cable. If you want to hear the output from the Quad, you either have to connect speakers (the Master channel) or headphones (the Cue channel) or both!
You *might* be able to do what you want by connecting a standard audio y-cable from the two master output sockets on the back of the Quad to the “Mic” stereo minijack on your laptop, and then turn on the Mic monitor in your laptop’s soundcard so you can hear the Mic channel through your laptop speakers. The easier alternative (which is what I do when I’m not listening through my external speakers) is to just listen to both channels through your headphones, and control whether you’re listening to the Master or Cue channel using the “Cue Mix” rotary control on the Quad.
Hope this helps.
Hi Ian, thanks for posting this. Very helpful, and made my decision to buy the Mixtrack Quad much easier, knowing I could get it working with Traktor easily. Followed your instructions and was setup in no time. Top man… listened to a couple of you mixes on mixcloud too.. great stuff. cheers…s.
Hi Steve,
Thanks very much for the feedback (on the post and my mixes)! I’m really glad you managed to get your Quad working with Traktor without any problems. I’ll take a listen to your mixes ASAP… 🙂
Cheers, Ian
Hi man! Great explination, but i still have a problem, i seem to only be able to adjust the bass and treble volume and that with chanel ones master volume and the bass eq knob of the chanel, is this a mapping problem?
Hi – glad the article was helpful! The easiest way to check if you’ve got a mapping problem or not is to try doing whatever you want to do directly inside Traktor by using your mouse to click on the virtual controls. If everything works correctly this way, then try doing the same thing with your Mixtrack Quad controller. If the physical controls don’t have the right effect within Traktor, it’s most likely either a mapping or configuration problem, a faulty controller, or operator error! You may need to adjust the Traktor view settings to display the controls you need on-screen if they’re not visible by default. Have a play and see how you get on – let me know what happens.
Cheers, Ian
When I go to setup wizard the quad doesn’t show up my one is not doing nothing
Hi Ash,
Sorry for the slow reply. Have you got this working yet?
Hi Ian,
I bought a Numark MixTrack Quad today and have been having trouble getting any audio at all.
Initailly I plugged in and installed Virtual DJ but found there was no sound at all.
I clicked “config” and when I tried to change the very limited settings they didn’t seem to save after clicking ‘apply’
…so I then had a look with Traktor and followed the instructions about the mapping in this article.
For Audio setup the device I have on that menu is just “MixTrackQuad (Core Audio)” without the word speakers. So I selected that anyway.
I have enabled Mutli-Core Processor Support.
For Output Routing instead of showing
Speakers (Mix Track Quad) Out 2….I just have
“1. Front Left”
“2. Front Right”
“3. Back Left” and
“4. Back Right” to choose from …so I tried the master on 1&2 and the monitor on 3&4.
The phono output on the back is connected to my mixer inputs, speakers are on….
Still no sound.
Really need to work this one out quick and very grateful for any help.
Hi Pete,
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting your Quad working – have you made any progress yet? It’s really hard to diagnose without being able to get hands-on with it myself.
You really need to rule out a hardware problem on your PC/sound card or the Quad itself. Do you have another PC/laptop you can try it with, or another controller you can try on the same PC? If we ignore the main phono outputs on the back, does the cue output work when you connect monitor headphones? Do the Quad’s buttons even light up properly?!
Hi Ian,
Thanks for responding.
Still having trouble. Rang Numark Tech Support team and they couldn’t solve the problem after remotely accessing my desktop. They said that its most likely a software problem….or that the codec on my computer has been disrupted by cracked software?? I wonder how much truth there is in this. I was unable to test the controller out on a different machine. I just tried again using the demo version downloaded off native instruments site, all legit and with the mapping link you put on here and the output routing is still the problem.
It isn’t showing the word ‘speakers’ where is does in your screen grab above and I still have only the 4 options….”front left, front right” etc.
The buttons all light up properly.
The cue outputs don’t have any sound coming out of them.
Hi just got myself a mix track quad it all works fine apart from the headphone port. I plugged them in, turned up the cue gain and set the cue mix to half way and nothing…no sound what so ever. Has there been an issue with the headphone socket????
Hi Marlon,
Sorry to hear your cue output is not working. Bad times. I’m not aware of any general issues, but you’re not the only person to have this problem with a brand new Mixtrack Quad:
Are you using Virtual DJ or Traktor or something else?
Have you tried both headphone sockets? Have you definitely turned on the “Headphone PFL” button (the headphone button just above each channel fader) for a live channel?! Have you double-checked the “Output Routing” settings to make sure the cue output is mapped to the headphones correctly?
I’m sure you’ve tried these simple things, but it’s worth checking the basics first. Let me know how it’s going.
Have you double checked the audio mapping as per the pics above? output Monitor 2 and 3…… Output master 0 and 1
Hey, just ordered me this controller, currently Running Traktor 2.6.0 with the imported mapping, all working perfectly! …. only little thing i noticed with the Browser scroller is that you cannot expand folders on the navigation pane.. so you need to keep your playlists open there… apart from that.. all seems good! ive used this in combination with the Audio4 DJ soundcard for Vinyl timecode.. got two tracks with vinyl timecode or audio through.. and two controlled by the controller… with crossfader options on full cut in the software, the crossfader on the controller works relatively well for cutting and scratching with timecode vinyl,
Hi Kirk,
Sounds like an awesome set-up – glad it’s all working!
Cheers, Ian
what version of tracktor i need to download to play with mixtrack quad because i have tracktor 2 and when i import mixtrack quad says that isn’t avaible of this version!
Hi Evangelos,
I’m currently using Traktor v2.7 which is the latest available version, but I’ve been using my Mixtrack Quad with Traktor for over a year now and I never had problems with the earlier versions. Exactly what error message do you get and when does it appear?
Conecto el mixteak luego dice q sogwar a fallado y reconoce el controlador después de funcionar muy bien con ttaktor no lo reconoce ni en ableton siquiera
Sorry Jose but I don’t speak much Spanish and Google Translate isn’t working very well on your question! If you can ask again in English I will try my best to help. Thanks, Ian
I am having a problem when i use this mapping my 3rd and 4th decks play music but its coming through super distorted and crackly… i know its not the controller because when i use virtual dj the 3rd and 4th decks work just fine… any ideas????
Hey Colton,
Sorry to hear you’re having problems with your 3rd and 4th decks (I guess you mean decks C and D in Traktor). I’ve not had that particular issue and haven’t heard about it before. If they work fine with Virtual DJ then I guess we can rule out hardware problems. If it’s distorted and crackly but basically working, it could be a gain/level problem, or perhaps you’re going through some kind of FX or processing channel without realising it that’s messing with the sound from those decks? Just double check that you’ve got exactly the same settings applied for all decks. When you play tracks through the problematic decks, can you see the master gain peaking too high (higher than with the working decks) or does it all look the same? Try turning off all controls/adjustments/FX for the broken decks and turning down the levels/gains to ensure you’re playing a clean sound. Any luck?
Good luck, Ian
Hey Ian,
I can’t select my quad as an audio device. It just says ASIO4ALL v2 (ASIO) and High Defenition Audio Device (WASAPI (shared mode)).
I downloaded and imported the .tsi file as you said in the description but there are just a few buttons working on my Quad.
My quad is listed in my device manager under audio, video and gaming.
Although my output cable goes through an amp to my speaker the sound still comes from my laptop.
your help will be much appreciated!
Hi Roel,
Sorry to hear you’re having problems with Traktor. If your Mixtrack Quad isn’t listed in the “Audio Device” list in Traktor settings, but it is listed in your Windows “Device Manager”, I guess there must be some kind of Windows/driver problem that is preventing Traktor from detecting it correctly. If a reboot doesn’t solve it (I guess you already tried that!) you could try connecting the Quad to a different USB socket or uninstalling the Quad from “Device Manager” and then reinstalling it (to try to force Windows to redetect it properly). I also find that Traktor doesn’t detect my Quad properly unless it is already connected and lit up before starting Traktor.
Perhaps another USB device is somehow conflicting with the Quad? You could try disconnecting or temporarily disabling your sound or other USB devices just to check that? Have you got another PC you can test your Quad with, just to make sure there’s no hardware problems?
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Cheers, Ian
Hi Ian,
I recently bought the mixtrack quad and have tried connecting to trackor 2. I downloaded the mapping and put it in. Problem is the sound is coming out of my speakers(which are connected via amp to mixer to controller) when I press play on the laptop. But none of the buttons are working on the controller. When I go to controller manager, I see theres nothing in the assignment table. Does that mean I have to manually insert them or what should i do?
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble. Once the mapping is installed correctly and Traktor has recognised the Mixtrack Quad properly, you shouldn’t need to do any manual configuration at all – it should just work straight away. So either Traktor hasn’t accepted the mapping file, or it hasn’t associated it with the Quad, or the Quad itself hasn’t been correctly installed or configured so Traktor doesn’t recognise it. You should double-check all the Traktor settings. Make sure the Quad is the selected “Audio Device” and make sure your “Output Routing” settings match my instructions. Also make sure the mapping has been imported correctly – go to the “Controller Manager” and make sure the “Mixtrack Quad” is the selected Device, and ensure the “Assignment Table” is populated with mappings. Out of interest, do the buttons on the Quad light up when it’s connected? If the Quad isn’t appearing in the Traktor settings or isn’t lighting up, make sure it has been recognised by Windows and is listed in the “Device Manager”. You could always try a different USB cable or connecting to a different socket on your laptop in case that is the problem.
Good luck – let me know how you get on.
Ian! You’ve been most helpful for all these people so I was hoping to reach out and get your assistance to fix my issue. I have this mixtrack quad controller I just got as well, I have it up and running basically perfectly on Traktor on my desktop running windows 8.1; unfortunately on my laptop the main computer I want to use with the controller as I will be traveling with it, it isn’t working. I have an i7, 12gig ddr 3, 1gig NVidia video card with windows 7. When I plug in the controller the lights cycle through but then the platter lights are the only ones that stay lit and they are stationary and solid, this does not happen on my desktop as more lights stay lit. also the only button that works when plugged into my laptop including all the sliders is the “Layer” button, this does change the color of the platter lights but that’s it, no other functions work. Any assistance with this would be fantastic as I’m trying to get this working for a wedding coming up next week!
Hi Matthew,
I’ll try my best! Your laptop has a very decent specification so it should be more than capable of running Traktor nicely. It’s most likely a USB-related problem on your laptop. I think the Layer button works even if the Quad is just connected to a USB power supply – I don’t think it requires a working USB connection, so that doesn’t really tell us much. It could be a configuration issue, or it could be that your laptop is not supplying enough power over USB. The easiest things to try would be a different USB cable or connecting to a different socket on your laptop. Do you have a powered USB hub you could connect through? You should check the Windows Device Manager – does the Quad appear in the list of Audio devices? Are there any red crosses anywhere to indicate a hardware problem? What about in Traktor – does it recognise the Quad when it’s connected or not? Have you updated to the latest version of Traktor? Does Traktor work okay if you use the mouse to control it directly?
It’s also worth trying alternative DJ software on the same laptop to see if it’s actually a Traktor problem. Have you tried Virtual DJ to see if that works? You could also download a trial version of something like Serato. Just try to get the Quad hardware working on your laptop with anything other than Traktor to rule out any hardware/Windows problems.
It’s very hard for me to debug a general problem like this without being sat in front of the laptop myself, but hopefully these ideas will get you closer to solving it. You just need to be logical and rule out any potential problems one at a time. Good luck! Let me know how you get on.
Hello. I have a problem with my mixtrack quad and traktor pro 2. It all works but when i play sometnig at headphones, master output becomes quieter.
hello, I’m new to the dj world, ive been using serato intro for the past few weeks but it was a trial so its unfortunately unusable now. ive bought and downloaded traktor pro 2 everythings working I’m just struggling on how to properly use it, I cant seem to get the bearings on how to use the fxs and other stuff. could you recommend a tutorial video or something to help me out cheers.
Hey Lewis,
Thanks for the message – glad to hear you’ve bought Traktor Pro, that’s a wise choice! I really like the Digital DJ Tips website and their YouTube channel. DJ Tech Tools have some really nice Traktor tutorials on their channel – check out this playlist for their Traktor videos. If you want some good general digital DJ-ing tips this guy is pretty entertaining too!
Let me know if you have any specific questions/problems and I’ll do my best to help you out!
Cheers, Ian
I have mixtrack quad. with official version of traktor 2.10 and downloaded several traktor mappping including the one from the numark site.
All of them make one or more strange connections.
When I slide the volume of one deck, also the bass of the deck changes. Or when changing the bass, also the mids turn. or the volume of another goes.
any idea??
Hi! Sorry to hear you’re having problems getting your Mixtrack Quad working with Traktor. I’m using Traktor v2.11 at the moment and I’m not having any issues. I guess the most likely explanations are a bad/incorrect mapping, a configuration problem in Traktor or a hardware problem (either your computer or your Mixtrack Quad). Is the Quad brand new or have you been using it successfully with different DJ software, e.g. Virtual DJ? If it works with other software but not Traktor then it’s bound to be a mapping/configuration problem. Could you try it on a different computer to rule that out as the problem? You could also try connecting via a different USB port just to see if that changes anything. You could try reinstalling Traktor and the mapping(s) from scratch to try to rule out a configuration/mapping problem. Why did you download several mappings – you should only need one, so were you having problems with the first one you tried? The symptoms you describe with one control changing two things does sound like a mapping issue to me, so that’s where I’d start looking myself. Good luck and let me know how you get on! Cheers, Ian
Hi Ian thanks for your reply.
Virtual dj is working fine. Also i swapped my controller with a friends who is running an old 2.6 teaktor version with the same controller. There it was also working fine.
I downloaded several mappings as to try if it makes a difference. All are kind of working but lot of strange double connections as described above. Also scrolling through playlist with the knob at the same time the folder on the left is scrolling for example.
I downloaded a torrent and later the demo 2.10.3 from the traktor website. Same problem..
Ill try to download 2.11 demo maybe it can help
hey just tried this and most is working well. Have 2 questions though. First, when i go to select the audio device as speakers (mixtrack quad) that option does not come up. Im assuming this is because i do not have anything plugged into the output in the back of the controller because im assuming i need new cables for the controller to plug directly into my yamaha HS8’s. However my other question is that none of the headphone buttons works as when i hit them, nothing plays through the headphones. Any idea why this is? thanks?